Blackprint Project Quote of The Day: November 2014
Quote of the Day: November 28, 2014
"Powerful people cannot afford to educate the people that they oppress, because one you are truly educated, you will not ask for power. You will take it."
John Henrik Clarke
Quote of the Day: November 27, 2014
"Strong people don't need strong leaders."
Ella Baker
Quote of the Day: November 26, 2014
"For a colonized people the most essential value, because the most concrete, is first and foremost the land: the land which will bring them bread and, above all, dignity."
Frantz Fanon
"Quote of the Day: November 25, 2014
"White people think when you love yourself you hate them. No, when I love myself they become irrelevant to me."
John Henrik Clarke
Quote of the Day: November 22, 2014
"God and nature first made us what we are, and then out of our own created genius we make ourselves what we want to be. Follow always that great law. Let the sky and God be our limit and eternity our measurement."
Marcus Garvey
Quote of the Day: November 21, 2014
"There is in this world no such force as the force of a person determined to rise. The human soul cannot be permanently chained."
W.E.B. Dubois
Quote of the Day: November 20, 2014
"Men can starve from a lack of self-realization as much as they can from a lack of bread."
Richard Wright
Quote of the Day: November 19, 2014
"With our short sight we affect to take a comprehensive view of eternity. Our horizon is the universe."
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Quote of the Day: November 18, 2014
"Laws should be made to serve the people. People should not be made to serve the laws."
Huey Newton
Quote of the Day: November 17, 2014
"To handicap a student by teaching him that his black face is a curse and that his struggle to change his condition is hopeless is the worst sort of lynching."
Carter G. Woodson
Quote of the Day: November 14, 2014
"Success always leaves footprints."
Marcus Garvey
Quote of the Day: November 13, 2014
"The present system under the control of the whites trains the Negro to be white and at the same time convinces him of the impropriety or the impossibility of his becoming white."
Carter G. Woodson
Quote of the Day: November 12, 2014
"The ends you serve that are selfish will take you no further than yourself but the ends you serve that are for all, in common, will take you into eternity."
Marcus Garvey
Quote of the Day: November 11, 2014
"History shows that it does not matter who is in power or what revolutionary forces take over the government, those who have not learned to do for themselves and have to depend solely on others never obtain any more rights or privileges in the end than they had in the beginning."
Carter G. Woodson
Quote of the Day: November 10, 2014
"As I am a poet I express what I believe and I fight against whatever I oppose in poetry."
June Jordan
Quote of the Day: November 8, 2014
"I never ran my train off the track, and I never lost a passenger."
Harriet Tubman
Quote of the Day: November 7, 2014
"Sometimes it seem like to tell the truth today is to run the risk of being killed. But if I fall, I'll fall five feet four inches forward in the fight for freedom. I'm not backing off."
Fannie Lou Hamer
Quote of the Day: November 6, 2014
"If the Negro in the ghetto must eternally be fed by the hand that pushes him into the ghetto, he will never become strong enough to get out of the ghetto."
Carter G. Woodson
Quote of the Day: November 5, 2014
"You always learn a lot more when you lose than when you win."
African Proverb
Quote of the Day: November 3, 2014
"Philosophers have long conceded, however, that every man has two educators: That which is given to him and the other that which he gives himself."